I was driving a 1972 Pontiac Lemans when it happened.

I was driving down this side road and I ran into a huge conversion van.  It was a big, huge van versus my car, completely smashed together.  Our two old cars collided.

I was only wearing a waist belt, not a shoulder strap.

The injuries that came from that were severe, and lasted for a long time. I had massive neck pain and back pain, which eventually led to migraine headaches to the point where I still remember them today.

The right side of my head felt like it was falling off. I would get sick just about daily, and I had migraine headaches every single day.

Sometimes, like a lot of migraine sufferers, I’d want to go to a dark room with no sound and no light. I’d be squeezing my head as hard as I can. Sometimes vomiting would help, but sometimes, it wouldn’t.  I’d never know what would help, or how I was going to feel.

I would go to doctors and tell them about the pain I experienced every day, and how severe it was, and they said, “Well, it’s impossible to have migraine headaches every day, but here’s a pill anyways.”

I had nowhere to turn, and I was feeling so lost.  My pain was severe and recurring, and I couldn’t find a way to make it go away.  The doctors just prescribed me pills.

Finally, I found a solution that definitely took care of it.  That solution turned out to be chiropractic.

The migraine headaches finally went away, and it was at that time I realised that this is what I need to do. In fact, I believe this is why I’m doing what I do now.  Today, I’m helping other people with migraine headaches.